Spanish for Executives

Spanish Proficiency for Executives

In an increasingly global market place, business leaders are expected to represent their organization at home and abroad. Spanish has become vital as a business language. ASLI offers Spanish courses for executives that cover everything from daily business interaction to correspondence and simple legal terminology.

ASLI has trained business leaders, diplomats and other executives since 1990, and our methods are proven to deliver success in language learning no matter if you are a beginner or have taken Spanish before.

Our executive program is a completely customized program for individuals or small groups with high level needs, and tuition covers everything except airfare including six hours daily (Monday through Friday) of completely private classes taught by experienced specialized instructors. It also includes:

  • customized vocabulary in the field
  • cross-cultural training
  • one book per week
  • a private room and bath (7 nights per week)
  • two meals daily (breakfast and COMIDA -main meal)
  • laundry service in our preferred Mexican homes
  • a private driver for pick-up and delivery between Mexico City and Cuernavaca

Sample program schedule for the ASLI business Spanish course

9 a.m. to 2 p.m. – 5 hours of intensive one-on-one language instruction
Language Class – 3 hrs (one-on-one)
Grammar, drills and conversation
Functional (or Cultural) Spanish – 1 hr
Situations at the bank, restaurant, hotel, post office; idiomatic expressions; dictation
Conversation Program – 1 hrs
Schedule varies depending on preferences and needs.

Leisure activities enhancing your experience can be scheduled depending on your preference.

Please contact us today if you have any questions, or register now for our exclusive Spanish for Executives program.

More details: Learn more about your travel to Cuernavaca and your accommodations during your stay. Find information about pricing and tuition, as well as resources such as books and materials for your studies.